
Silly as a wheel...

Just when you think you have a handle on a city...something beyond imagination pops up.  The police in Lisbon are not known for being nimble of foot but boy can they get around!  I fancied that I had had one too many the evening before..I probably had...but no, it was the real deal.  They cruise up and down, and no doubt all around, the Rua da Prata.  (Note the amazing cobblestones)  
I an attempt (or excuse) to recover, I have treated myself to a mid afternoon Lancers, a refreshing medium sweet, sparkling rose, which is produced by J. M. da Fonseca.  Perfect for a guilty pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, these are weird. I think they're called by the dreadful name 'Segway'. (Like segue, geddit?) I first saw them being used by rather large policepersons in the US and frankly I thought the world would be a much better place if they just walked.
